The story is about the three dinners a boy had within a week. In brief, it involved sorrow, joy, tears in laughter, hate, love, surprises and introspections. The heart-warming dinner table became the colosseum of the family! How resentment built between Mum and Aunt, who were supposed to love each other? How did Bigger Brother have an unknown side? How did Cousin who had Princess Syndrome be brain-washed by Aunt? How did a family of four become seven? Watch and find them out!


Playwright                                        Neil Simon

Director                                            Fu Yuet Mai

Adaptation                                       Szeto Wai Kin

Lighting Designer                            Gabriel Fung

Set and Costume Designer             Stacy Ip 

Composition and sound designer    Matthew Ma

Cast                                                 Sam Choy  Captain Tu  Parcilla Lai Neva Wong Peter Chan  Lai Ying Ying  Vicky Lam

Promotional design                          ahtsui@ShammerCS

Stage Manager                                Libby Cheung 

Perform stage supervision               Kami Ng

Producer                                          Chan Wing Chuen Queendy Kwong


Approx. 2 hour

For ages 6 and above