Furious nerd and a hot actress are going to make a unique musical!

Four chavs quit their jobs to make a musical within 3 weeks!

Gaining funding from big bosses but must take their orders, and the musical changes completely!

Do obeying orders secures fames and fortune? How to make choices between friendship and success?


With only four chairs, one piano, producer Jeff Bowen and Hunter Bell recorded their moment of joining the musical festival, and the funny stuffs after they got onto the grand stage!


Give the hope to the dreamer to believe in dreams again!


June 18 – 21, 2015          8:15pm

June 20 – 21, 2015          3:15pm


Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre

Cast & Production Team

Poster design & Styling︰                               Terrenz Chang

Poster makeup︰                                            Joyce Ma

Poster Hairstyle︰                                           Louis @ DATA hair make

Poster Photography︰                                     Henry Wong Studio


Composer︰                                                    Jeff Bowen

Playwright︰                                                   Hunter Bell

Director & Adaptation︰                                 Chan Wing Chuen

Music Producer & Live Musician︰                Edgar Hung

Translation︰                                                  Li Wing Ho

Cantonese Lyrist︰                                          Fong Joek Gwan

Cast and Adaptation︰                                    Crystal Cheung Man Ka、Rick Cheung、Margaret Cheung、Seth Chan

Set & Costume Design︰                                Tsang Man Tung

Lighting Designer:                                        Leo Siu

Sound Designer︰                                          Martin Lai

Singing Guide︰                                              Lianna Tse

Choreographer︰                                            Chan Nga Shan

Stage Manager & Deputy Stage Manager︰  Libby Cheung

Producer︰                                                      Kwong Sau Han、Seth Chan

*Thanks to the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts